At your first appointment you should expect the following:
- I will take a detailed case history, focusing on your current complaint, but including your medical and accident history to enable me to take best care of you. Stresses past or present, physical, emotional or psychological may be relevant too, but you are under no obligation to share more than you are comfortable with.
- I will exam your posture and mobility standing and lying and carry out any relevant screening tests, for example reflexes or blood pressure.
- Using skills particular to Osteopaths, I will assess joint mobility and tissue health. Pulling all this information together I will then, if possible make and discuss my diagnosis with you before proceeding to treatment. If I am unable to make a diagnosis I may refer you to your GP or another practitioner.
- I will endeavour to estimate how much treatment might be needed. Where this is unclear I may suggest periodic reviews in order that we can both monitor the progress being made.
- The reputation of my practice is based on gentle sensitive treatment. My commitment to you is alway to communicate to the best of my ability.
Chaperones are always welcome.
Children should always be accompanied.
Following the introduction of the new laws governing data you will be asked to read and sign a form consenting to the storage of your records and contact details. These are never shared without explicit consent.